Black Cat myths:
1) Bad luck2) Evil
3) May contain evil spirits (This I consider to be a half of number 2)
4) Their luck depends on which way they walk across your path
5) Anarchist and Witches friends/familiars
There you go. You now have the 2 1/2 reasons why black cats are killed, abused, sheltered, and hardly ever adopted. Yet, how many of you have had the actual personal experience of any of these to ring true, without a shadow of a doubt? No, I am guessing not.
While there are various folklore and mythology sites that can give you the lowdown on the superstitions of past history, I will not be doing that. Due to todays society, I will not be shot nor persecuted for having a black cat in my possession as it once happened in the past history of the world when the pilgrims arrived. I am simply going to put forth information we know in the present society about black cats.
I have owned cats my entire life. I have studied their behaviour on my own, I don't need any special degree to tell you what I know. I have had white cats, orange cats, tabby cats, calico cats, manx cats, rag doll cats, grey cats.. I could go on, but I think you get the idea here. I think I have enough information of my own between owning cats for such a length, volunteering with animals, as well as helping friends or family with their cats. So here is what I KNOW to be true:
Black Cat Facts:
Is it really that simple? Yeah, it is. They vomit hairballs as often as any other cat. They meow like any other cat. They like to play and chase birds, and mice. They may or may not like the dog, as every other cat. It is amazing to think there is anything wrong with them at all. There truly isn't! These cats have been labeled, without any facts, by myth and legend solely as evil. It is unfair, sad, and bias.
So here, ask me the real questions because I know you are thinking them. I will answer them.
Has your luck changed since you owned a black cat?
Answer: No. If anything it has gotten better, but I do not base ANY of that on my cat. I base it by what has regularly been going on in my life.
Has your cat ever seemed 'demonic', attacked you, or done anything scary to say it may be possessed?
Answer: No. My cats acts like every other cat, she hisses if she hates something. She goes crazy jumping and chasing invisible things at random. My non black cat does this too, except he TALKS to the invisibles! (whose possessed now?!)
I bet you are thinking I must be a witch with a black cat and I just read your mind, but no.
The fact of the matter is, it is cat breed that has any influence on HOW they act and why they do what they do. Sometimes genes, disease, or trauma can change their perception of things but it will never change the genes a cat has. It confuses me as to why Siamese are so loved with a history of some of the worst gene pools, yet black cats can come from an exquisite gene pool and are ignored due solely to colour.
So using the black cat facts, make a decision on which way you lean about them. Try to educate your friends and family by loving one yourself. Shelters have many, and they are the first to be put down knowing the adoption rate for these lovely cats. A black cat can purr and love you like any calico can, usually minus half the attitude a calico carries. (They are known for attitude!)
The fact people can believe any of the myths to be true, totally ah mewses me!
The Jessamine County Animal Shelter has several black cats ready for adoption.
Facebook Black Cat Appreciation Club
Great blog post! Cats are is true!